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MSDS: Products & Services

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MSDS’ Personalized Exposure Control Manual has been analyzed by many OSHA inspectors with nothing but high praises.  Our manual has also been reviewed by Gordon Christiansen’s CRA evaluators with a score flexing in the 97-98%.

MSDS will schedule a two hour consultation appointment with one of your team members.  At the appointment we will go over your specific office policies and procedures which relate to the federal guidelines.  Don’t worry, MSDS will not allow you to answer the questions incorrectly.  Your staff will understand office policies and procedures and how it relate to your manuals policy and procedures.

This is the primary item that OSHA will want to look at.  If you don’t have the right paperwork in your manual, the citations average around $1000.00 each and typically three or more violations are found
MSDS’ Personalized Exposure Control Manual is only $398.00.  This includes the two hour consultation!   Do not delay, this is a simple fix.  Most office only have a generic fill in the blank guideline manual.  It must be personalized.

Mock Inspections:

Mock Inspections have increased for MSDS to the tune of 30% each year. Dentist’s love the thought of having a consultant evaluate their office for potential guideline discrepancies. Each violation is estimating at approx 1000.00. If MSDS can find and fix the situations before they become problems, we can save your office, not only thousands of dollars, but also instill the confidence in the office staff.

Mock Inspections average approx 4 hours in length. MSDS needs to have the ability to ask questions throughout the inspection drill or to have an assistant shadow the inspector.

Many of our offices will have the Mock Inspection first and then their OSHA class afterwards. It’s a great way for MSDS to see what your office needs to work on and your office to have 1/2 a day of production.

The Inspection has over 500 points which are covered, including codes and regulations from:

  • OSHA
  • VOSH
  • Board of Dentistry
  • Fire Codes


The telephone is still a wonderful tool to get your message across. MSDS utilizes the telephone for consultations that do not require hands on instruction and provide the offices that would normally require an additional travel expense, a personalized class at a reasonable cost.

Consulting topics for Tele-consulting include:

  • OSHA’s Annual Bloodborne Pathogens Training
  • CDC’s Infection Control
  • Dealing with an Inspection in the Dental office
  • Recognizing the Four Types of Abuse: Child, Elderly, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking.
  • Risk Management through Recordkeeping
  • Hazardous Communications

Linda L. Cannon
Director of Safety Compliance

Phone: 1-757-718-1515
Toll Free: 1-800-483-0223


MSDS' best practices website is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no legal obligations, nor does it change any existing OSHA or other government standard or regulation. The guide is advisory in nature, informational in content, and is intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace.